GS Pay Scale: What It Is, Salaries, & Wages in 2024

Published March 28, 2024 | Updated April 23, 2024
Expert Verified
The GS (General Schedule) pay scale is a system that helps determine the salaries of federal employees. The system was established in 1949, and the classification standards, pay structure, and requirements are overseen by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
The GS pay scale is adjusted each year based on the Employment Cost Index (ECI) to ensure federal salaries remain competitive. In this guide, we’ll explore how the system works, GS pay scale 2024 tables, structure, and more.
2024 Base Rate Salary Chart
Salaries under the GS system consist of a base pay and locality pay adjustment (locality pay tables). The base pay is adjusted depending on the cost of living in different locations. For example, the GS-7 pay scale in 2024 in San Francisco is higher than in Atlanta.
Here’s the 2023 GS base rate salary table, effective January 2024 (including the 4.7% GS total increase).

2024 Hourly Rate Salary Chart
The hourly rate salary chart helps determine the pay for General Schedule employees paid by the hour. It ensures that federal wages align with similar positions in the private sector. The 2024 hourly rate salary chart is given below.

How Does the GS Pay Scale Work?
The General Schedule is the primary federal pay scale for white-collar employees in professional, clerical, administrative, or technical positions. The system consists of 15 pay grades, and there are ten steps in each grade.
Grade Levels
The GS pay scale has 15 grades, from GS-1 to GS-15. The higher your grade, the higher your pay can be. For example, a GS-1 employee would earn less compared to a GS-10 employee.
The agency determines the grade level for every job based on responsibility, required credentials, and level of difficulty.
Steps Within Grades
Each grade level has ten steps, and employees can generally advance to the next step based on performance, usually every one to three years. The pay rate for each step is usually about 3% of your pay.
Within a single grade level, it usually takes an employee 18 years to advance from step 1 to step 10. However, you may be able to get extra step increases if your performance ratings are exceptional.
Grade Level Progress
Federal employees are eligible for increases in pay based on their performance and time in service. Certain positions are designated as “career ladders” where you may be able to get rapid promotion.
For example, GS-5 to 9 career ladders can allow a recent graduate to move from GS-5 to GS-9 in just three years. The GS-9 pay scale for 2024 is much higher compared to GS-5, allowing you to increase your earnings in a comparatively short time.
Pay Tables
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) oversees the pay scale classification, pay structure, requirements, and policies related to administration and staffing. The pay tables are adjusted each year to keep up with changes in the cost of living, as measured by the Employment Cost Index (ECI). These measures ensure that federal employees receive competitive salaries.
Each agency categorizes its positions and fills them following the OPM pay regulations. If you’re considering a position with a federal agency, a pay table can help you estimate your gross and net pay.
Locality Pay
The GS base pay is adjusted according to the cost of living in expensive locations. This ensures that employees living in expensive GS localities like California will receive higher salaries to compensate for the higher cost of living.
Other than your base pay, you may receive a locality pay adjustment based on where you work. For example, employees in areas like California, Hawaii, and Alaska may receive 10% to 25% higher pay compared to other locations.
Special Rates and Pay Bands
The federal government pays special rates for some jobs so agencies can recruit top talent. The base pay is usually higher for positions in the medical, technical, and scientific fields, which are harder to fill.
Some agencies with higher special rates and pay bands include the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. These special rates may also be given to employees working in difficult or hazardous environments.
General Schedule (GS) Grade Levels
When you look at the 2024 GS pay scale, you’ll see different base pay rates for different grade levels. Here’s what each grade level means and what type of positions fall under them.
These are usually entry-level positions like cashier, data entry clerk, and file clerk.
This grade level is for jobs that require some experience beyond a high school diploma. Examples include medical support assistants and library technicians.
This includes positions like administrative assistant and park ranger that require post-high school level education or equivalent experience.
This grade level is for jobs that need a bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience. For example, claims examiner and accounting technician.
These positions require a bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience, like HR assistant or research assistant.
These are jobs that require a bachelor’s degree and specialized training, such as logistics management specialist and environmental protection specialist.
These positions require a bachelor’s degree and specialized training and experience, such as budget analyst and program analyst.
This grade level is for jobs that require a bachelor’s degree and significant specialized training or experience, such as engineering technician and IT specialist.
These positions require a master’s degree and specialized training or experience, such as program manager and human resource specialist.
This grade level is for jobs that require a master’s degree and significant specialized training or experience, such as operations research analyst or IT project manager.
These are positions that require a Ph.D. and some specialized training or experience, such as economist or physicist.
Positions at this grade level require a Ph.D. and significant specialized training or experience, such as intelligence analyst or program manager.
These are jobs that require a Ph.D. and significant specialized training or experience, such as financial manager or attorney.
Positions at this grade level require a Ph.D. and significant specialized training or experience, such as research psychologist or medical officer.
These are positions that require a Ph.D. and significant specialized training or experience, such as foreign service officer or senior-level scientist positions.
GS Pay Scale Calculator
If you would like to estimate your base pay for a certain area of work, you can use an online GS pay calculator. These calculators will help you determine your base pay automatically based on your area of work, your GS grade, your step, and your locality payment. It will also factor in the locality pay adjustment based on where you live.
For example, with a GS scale 2024 calculator, you can determine GS-14 pay, plus any additional locality rate based on where you live, for example, New York, Washington, or the rest of the U.S.
Learn About the GS Pay Scale
The GS pay system is an important tool in the federal wage system to hire and retain employees in a number of positions. It’s a transparent and clear system that helps determine salaries so federal employees can receive fair compensation.
If you’d like to learn more about the 2024 GS pay scale or about how the system works, consider reading the information shared on, the official website of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.